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Home Urine Health Test

Urine Health Test kit is designed to give you information on key markers that could be an indication of wider health issues

• Five (5), ten (10) or twenty (20) kits pack
• Easy to use urine test strips (5 per kit)
• Colour results chart
• Easy at-home test kit mailed to you in 1-3 business days
• No need to send us a sample, get your results within 2 minutes.
• Instructions and guide
• Liver Function Test
• Tests for 10 items including Leukocytes (white blood cells), Nitrites, Urobilinogen, Protein, pH, Blood, Glucose and more.

Apologies, Health Test are not sold outside of the UK at the moment.

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Order the Home Urine Health Test today as your client looks to understand more about their liver function and body generally. This test kit uses a small sample of urine on a strip (5 strips provided) which is mailed directly to you in a kit and contains an analysis chart and comprehensive instructions.

This partner exclusive is available as a pack of five (5), ten (10) or twenty (20) kits.


1. Collect urine mid-stream using a collection container
2. Dip the strip into the urine sample for no longer than 2 seconds, ensuring the removal of excess liquids by wiping the strip on the side of the container
3. Read the result of the test after 60 seconds (for leukocytes read between 90-120 seconds).
NOTE: Do not read the results after 2 minutes as this may read in a false-positive result.

Simple & Easy

The easy to use testing kits are mailed immediately on purchase and should reach you within 1-3 working days. In the box, there will be full instructions provided on how to complete the sample in a fast and pain-free manner.

Perfect for

If your client is suffering from undiagnosed symptoms and is looking to understand more about liver function.


We have validated the urine analysis Home Testing Kit against industry standards and found that they correlate 100%


Additional information


5 Kits, 10 Kits, 20 Kits

The 10 items checked in the Home Urine Health Test:

Leukocytes: White Blood Cells produced by the body to help fight infection. Could indicate a UTI or Kidney Infection.

Nitrites: Bacteria that cause urinary tract infections (UTIs) convert nitrates into nitrites. A positive result for nitrites could indicate a UTI.

Urobilinogen: A by-product of the breakdown of Bilirubin. Smaller levels are normal, but larger levels could indicate a liver disease.

Protein: High levels of protein in a urine sample can indicate kidney disease.

pH: Checks the acidity or alkalinity of urine.

Blood: A serious UTI/Cystitis can cause blood in urine as well as other issues such as kidney stones or bladder/kidney cancer.

Specific Gravity (S.G.): Higher specific gravity could be signs of a UTI, diabetes or even dehydration. Other issues could be a kidney infection, kidney failure or heart failure.

Ketone: Ketones are produced when the body is not able extract energy from Glucose and therefore starts to burn off body fat. A high level of ketones could simply be down to dieting, not eating for prolonged periods of time (12-18 hours), or something more serious such as diabetes.

Bilirubin: A by-product of the breakdown of red blood cells. These cells should not be present in the urine and these could indicate liver disease.

Glucose: Not usually found in urine as the kidneys are able to process it and release it back into the body. Glucose in urine can indicate undiagnosed diabetes.

What’s in the box?

5x Urine Analysis Strips

1x Instructions

1x Colour Results Chart

This test uses a urine sample, but why?

A urinalysis or urine test is a non-invasive procedure which check for the composition of urine. This allows us to detect some types of medical conditions: diabetes, urinary tract infection, and kidney-related diseases, to name a few.

How does it work?

A urine test can monitor the patient’s current medical conditions as well as assess whether the treatment the patient currently receives is effective. The Home Urine Health test strip uses a dipstick which is the most common method of checking the chemical components of urine. The strip from Healthy Stuff has squares of different colours attached to it and the whole strip is dipped in the urine sample that you collected. In a well-lit room, you then look at the squares to compare the presented colours against the sample guide provided.

Each square represents a particular component including the concentration of urine and pH level. You can also see the proteins in the urine such as: albumin, glucose/sugar, ketones (a by-product of fat breakdown), haemoglobin, leukocyte esterase/white blood cells, bilirubin, nitrite, and urobilinogen (1,2,3).





What items does this test for?

  • Home testing kit has been validated against industry standards with a 100% correlation.
  • CE approved sample kit.
  • Testing is carried out in a variety of locations worldwide.
  • Results do not substantiate a medical diagnosis on their own but may be used by your doctor to help form a diagnosis or rule out a condition.
  • >97% reproducible results.
  • Testing is carried out in a variety of locations worldwide.

Find out more about the science by clicking here


All information in the reports produced is intended to support nutritional advice to optimise your diet. The results cannot be used to diagnose, treat or cure medical/health conditions.

Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider if you have a medical condition and/or medical symptoms. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it.